Art Director / Senior Designer
Branding - Bunji Catering, Australia


Branding - Bunji Catering, Australia

Branding - Bunji Catering, Australia

 Determined to carry Australia’s rich indigenous history through to modern day cuisine, workplace services provider, Jarrah Integrated Services, has launched Bunji Catering.

Determined to carry Australia’s rich indigenous history through to modern day cuisine, workplace services provider, Jarrah Integrated Services, has launched Bunji Catering.

 The brandmark exemplifies Bunji’s modern service and cultural past. The font is bold and distinct, representing it’s niche position in the market, and has the subtle symbolism of the chopping knife shaped ‘j’.

The brandmark exemplifies Bunji’s modern service and cultural past. The font is bold and distinct, representing it’s niche position in the market, and has the subtle symbolism of the chopping knife shaped ‘j’.

Art direction and design of branding for Cyclone Advertising.

Art direction and design of branding for Cyclone Advertising.